I can't believe it, but today I will be registering Bella for Kindergarten! Where has the time gone??
I just can't believe my little peanut will be in school this fall. I will say that her baby days seems like eons ago, and yet it feels like this has come up so fast.
Bella can read, and I mean she is really impressing everyone with her reading. Wednesday when I picked her up from school her teacher Tammy told me that Bella read 78 page that day, 78 pages!!! Tammy is thrilled with Bella's progress, she is reading words they haven't taught the kids yet, she is adding and subtracting, it just amazes me. According to Tammy Bella is more than ready for Kindergarten and she may be ahead of some of the kids.
I love my little peanut to the moon and back a thousand times. I can't say enough how very lucky we are to have such a special little girl for our daughter. She is intelligent, sweet, caring, responsible, just one of the most special little girls ever.
We are so proud of you Bella, you make our life complete and every day of our lives is exceptional because of you!

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