Yesterday was a big day for Bella as well. Kyle took her to her five year check up so that I could be at the hospital with Mindy. I had told him she would be getting her flu shot, I did not realize she would be getting FOUR shots and the nasal spray :(
This was Kyle's first time at Bella's yearly check up, so it was a memorable one for him! Bella did pretty well, she told me she just had to cry though because it hurt too badly :(
Our five year old peanut is "officially" on the chart for weight, woo hoo!!!! She is 32.2 lbs and is in the 4th percentile for weight, just over 40 inches tall, in the 9th percentile for height. Our doctor is very pleased with Bella's development and told Kyle we have one very smart little lady on our hands :)
I still truly can't believe she is five. A positive to her petite size would be that her size 3T snow pants from last year still fit, we had a bit of snow this morning so she had to try them out. Looks like we just need to get new boots for her this year as her 3T coat still fits too :)

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