Friday, March 26, 2010


Seriously I got so sick with a stupid virus, that's all I ever get, damn viruses that they can't give me any meds for.

It's quite sad when my mom has to make me a doctor appointment and drive me there. I really couldn't even get out of bed and Kyle was texting me all morning trying to make me go in. I had two fainting spells as well and that means NO driving for me.

So thank god for my mom, I felt so weird though having her take me to the doctor, like I was a little kid again ;) After finding out it was a damn virus and that I needed sleep and rest mom decided to pick up Bella from school and keep her for me.

I've missed my little peanut these past two days but have been so greatful to be able to just sleep and kind of not feel guilty about it.

I ventured out today to work, now I'm exhausted and am looking forward to going home shortly :)

No fun things to blog about, maybe after the quiet weekend I'll have something!