Today we went through a lot of stuff at my Grandma's apartment. There was so much cool stuff! We got a few "new" things:
Our kitchen table we had was just too big for us, so we inherited this one from my Grandma. The really cool thing though is the table runner, she received this as a gift when she was younger, it's so beautiful.
An awesome small cast iron skillet and some cookie cutters I remember my Grandma using.

This peace lily is very special to me, it's from my Grandfather's funeral, I loved him dearly and am so happy to have this to remind me of him every day. Bella promised to help me water it so it can thrive :)
The best part of my day was receiving this, my Grandfather's miter box and saw.
I'm a hands-on kind of girl and LOVE to do any updates myself on our home and to be able to use the same miter box and saw I remember such an amazing, special man using is just beyond meaningful for me.
I only received this due to total confusion on my part. I thought my dad was getting it and today while we were at my Grandma's apartment it was sitting behind my mom's Highlander. I mentioned how much I loved it and my Uncle Steve said, well then take it! I said, no I can't take that my dad is taking it! My mom was like, um no Steph dad was holding it for Steve. Steve demanded I take it because he has an electric one. I guess it made me feel so good because mom said they had just wanted it kept in the family and Grandpa would have wanted Steve to have it. I loved my Grandfather more than words can express and I'm pretty sure he was just as close with me, so I hope he's happy up there in heaven knowing his granddaughter is now the proud owner of his miter box and saw :)
What an awesome story! I know there are some things at my house that were my grandmothers (a rug, her clothes hamper and a table) that I love having around my house because I can look at them and remind me of her!
you and your saws..
but really, that is so special. I love senitimental(sp?) things.
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