That would be my Grandma, she is one tough cookie. Yesterday afternoon my mom had taken her to get groceries and when they got back to my Grandma's building my mom dropped her off at the door so she could go park the car. When my mom got back to the building and walked in my Grandma was laying in the entryway, she had fallen. They called an ambulance because Grandma couldn't put weight on one of her legs. It turns out that she actually broke her hip!
She went through last night without any painkillers, just telling everyone that she really wasn't feeling any pain. They did surgery at 8:30am this morning and put a plate and four bolts into her hip. The surgery went very well and she is recovering well, still no pain!
I went to visit her on my lunch hour and take her some flowers. When I got up there I put her flowers on a table and gave her a hug and kiss. While I was standing there talking to her with my mom she said to my mom, "When is Stephanie coming up?", mom just looked at her and said, "Stephanie is standing right next to you." My poor Grandma, I could tell she was kind of embarrased but she recovered well telling me my dark hair threw her off ;-)
My mom showed me the x-rays they took after they put the plate in and of course gave me one of the pictures to email all of my siblings. So here is what is now in my 93 year old Grandma's hip for the rest of her life.

She probably won't be able to walk hardly at all, she was already struggling before this. She needs a little Hoverround (or whatever those are called), Grandma thought that was a good idea for her to tool around on one of those :)